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更新时间:2025-03-24 23:22:58
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too many的反义词

1. Many of his classmates take seven or eight tuition classes at weekends, and his parents are too busy to spend any time with him.

2. " We are bombarded by too many films in the name of gold, " he said.

3. There are too many other things to worry about in life than being poisoned by an overdose of sodium or caffeine.

4. " You can never have too many tourists, " he said.

5. " Too many cosmetic surgeries can never prove good, " they said.

6. Coppola's sympathetic revisionist approach probably won't win too many fans in France, where the film was booed by audiences at Cannes.

7. That left many with too little capital to meet regulatory requirements, forcing the government to inject more money to keep them solvent.

8. And many are already applauding the president for taking a stand on an issue they feel has been swept under the carpet far too long.

9. Many of the wounded were loaded into the back of trucks and into civilian cars because there were too many for ambulances to carry.

10. Nowadays too many Chinese want to become " heroes ", as they flood onto the Great Wall and carve their names on its bricks.

too many在线翻译

1. The many hours of each day in which he was left entirely alone were but too favourable for the admission of every melancholy idea.

2. The budgetary spending have too many problems to deal with that economic depression has made it, but the sale vice-president Tad Hutcheson of AirTran expresses, itself builds the commercial pattern of the company to need sue for peace to emphasize value in stimulation namely above.
经济衰退已经令它的预算开支捉襟见肘,但是AirTran的营销副总裁Tad Hutcheson表示,公司的商业模式本身就是建立在刺激需求和强调价值上面。

3. The angel also said, 'I will make your descendants too many to be counted.

4. Before we get too sentimental though, other dogs in China have a far more grisly fate, many still destined for the dinner table, dog meat, a popular delicacy.

5. Learn the jealously guarded secrets behind actual dishes from The Cheesecake Factory, KFC, The Olive Garden, McDonalds, Red Lobster, Hard Rock Cafe...
far too many to list here and learn how to 学习小心翼翼地守护秘密的背后实际菜从奶酪蛋糕工厂,肯德基,橄榄园,麦当劳,红龙虾,硬石餐厅……,并学习如何

6. All of these are options to undertake when you want to get away from the noise of too many'voices'.

7. This street is too crowded Too many people have secret Glass has been hidden in the mist from the past You face the emotional That reduction in the rain This Xiangnong not take too much bending back story This time is no longer the Green And a...

8. The United States in a Christmas Eve when they are do interesting things, too many too much.

9. too many的近义词

9. The possibility of failure of computer hardware is too many, so we usually solve the problem themselves, it's best to think about several aspects to consider is a comprehensive solution based on the primary fault.

10. too many

10. In the second place, there seem to be too many people without job and not enoug h job position.

11. too many

11. Perhaps I and the affection between the children is too deep, and there are too many telepathy bar!

12. There is too many bureaucracy involved in the whole registration process.

13. There is too many bureaucracy involved in the whole registration proce.

14. In the second place, there seem to be too many peo ple without job and not enough job position.

15. There is so many things that have happen around me which is stressing meout and pressurizing too.

16. Drain Too many vehicles will be a great drain on the oil on earth.

17. Have too many helpless, is still self-abandonment, thoroughly the heart die.

18. In this paper, The influence of heat set and dyeing on the structure of PTT fiber was investigated by FT-IR, DSC, critical dissolution time. The influence of heat set on the dyeability of PTT fiber was discussed, too. Meanwhile, many experiments on the dyeing performance of PET fiber were carried out. The effect of different dyeing temperature on the uptake and visual color depth value and dyeing characteristics of different dyes with temperature increasing were discussed, and the influence of temperature on the dyeing depth were also evaluated when dyeing for PTT and PET fiber in the same dye bath condition. Especially the kinetics and thermodynamics of dyeing with disperse dyes were mainly studied.

19. Perhaps there are too many shy bean flowers, do not want to fight fight Yan Hong.

20. too many

20. Add salt too much still can cause many fat disease, cause trichomadesis, aggravating first scaling phenomenon.

You made too many mistakes.(你犯的错误太多了。)
I am chary of making too many idiotic mistakes.(我小心谨慎以免犯太多的愚蠢错误。)
There are far too many people already. We can't take any more.(已经有太多的人了。我们再也接待不了啦。)
There are too many errors in your work.(你的工作失误太多。)
There are too many complications to explain now.(现在有太多使情况复杂化的因素要解释。)
Too many government departments are unaccountable to the general public.(有太多的政府部门不对社会大众负责。)
Too many poor people are living in overcrowded conditions.(有太多的贫民生活在十分拥挤的条件下。)
Too many cookie-cutter condos were built with no attention to consumer needs.(太多千篇一律的公寓在建造时没有注意住户的需要。)
Too many people are chasing too few jobs nowadays.(如今有太多的人在角逐寥寥无几的工作职位。)
It would be good to be able to travel light, but I end up taking too many clothes.(能够轻装旅行再好不过,但我最终还是带了太多衣服。)
too many是什么意思 too many在线翻译 too many什么意思 too many的意思 too many的翻译 too many的解释 too many的发音 too many的同义词